Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lunch at Bogus Creek Cafe in Stockholm, Wisconsin

Elizabeth and Lorie outside of the Bogus Creek Cafe and Bakery.

These are the "half sandwiches". You'll have to read the post to get the whole story.

They brought us a great basket of bread and spreads to eat. There was a nut bread with a strawberry spread and an orange onion bread with a dill spread. In this picture, Elizabeth is holding both her piece of onion bread and my piece, but, as I snapped the picture, I said I was going to say that she liked the bread so much, she had two pieces at once. She said, "what!" and made the face you see below. For the record, Elizabeth and I liked the onion bread/dill spread best and Lorie liked the nut bread/strawberry spread best.

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